In other softwares, i.e., ATIK Artemis, MaximDL, etc., there's an option to distribute the the captures sequence.
For example, if I want to get 10 frames from RGBL and D(ark), I can get this like Ekos do (1, 2, 3...10 R, then 1,2,...10 G, and so on), or I can do something like R1, G1, B1, D1, R2, G2,... Artemis permits, for example, to configure a sequence (for example, 1xL, 2xR, 2xG, 4xHA, anyway) and there's a parameter that I request that this sequence should be repeated N times. This is good a aproach, very versatile.

There's advantages and disvantages, as filters moves on each capture, maybe need for refocus, etc, but the main advantage in my opinion is that I can configure a bunch of frames to take, and leave all night long, so, at the end, I'll discard several (clouds, etc), but I'll end with aproximatelly the same number of frames of each filter/dark. In the normal Ekos sequence, sometimes I get 20 frames from R and G and the wheather changes and I can't take B for example.

This option exists on Ekos and I didn't locate that yet? (I know, I can create a large sequencing repeating each capture several times, but it's a kind of "dumb way").

If not, it could be a great improvment in Ekos in my opnion.