Neil Martin created a new topic ' Flat Focus Position' in the forum. 5 years ago

I'm struggling to get consistent auto focus with my Moonlite NiteCrawler. One setting that has me confused is on the filters panel from the Focuser tab. There's a column in this grid "Flat Focus Position". Where do these values comes from? They have wildly differing values for my LRGB filters. Lowest value is 49 and highest is 48,000 (and a couple in the 38,000 range) . I typically find good focus in the 49,000 to 50,000 range. These values are not editable, so I assume that they are being derived from somewhere.

Focusing has failed for me every night I've tried to use it - in the morning I find everything aborted and the last images WAY out of focus (10,000 steps or more). Is there a good youtube video that covers setup?