François created a new topic ' A7S liveview OK capture KO' in the forum. 4 years ago

Hi everyone,

I do face so tricky issue while using my Sony A7S with EKOS
I was used to do everything correct with a CANON 1200d, but i get a SONY A7S few month ago, and since then I wasn't able to shoot properly

I am facing these issues
Connexion a7s ok with sony DSLR driver

Liveview Ok in CCD & filter wheel module

snapshoot KO : either in both module CCD & Filter wheel or solver control
The first shoot seems to be ok, and then if I do move or not the mount the same picture is shown again and again with different pattern of noise, and sometimes (maybe after 10/20 shoot) a new picture appears correctly and then same problem again..

I do have try several USB cables, or either with powererd hub or directyly on tinkerboard ubuntu 18.04

I think i need some help