
I'm using both Astrolink4 and Astrolink4 USB devices. With some sensors, these devices can read current temperature/humidity and even cloud coverage.
The drivers are missing some bits here and there, but I managed to change them to make the Observatory module appear under Ekos.

Sadly, the weather panel does not read values provided by the INDI::WeatherInterface of the drivers. I noticed that it seems to be true for every device that inherits from the INDI::WeatherInterface rather than INDI::Weather
I've tested this with for instance both Pegasus UPB and LX200 OnStep drivers (in simulation mode though as I do not own them). Adding a "primary" Weather driver do add values and graphs to the Observatory tab though.

Is this a wanted behaviour ? If so, what is the point of inheriting from INDI::WeatherInterface ?


KStars : 3.5.6
INDI : 1.9.3