
I'm currently adding a Ultimate PowerBox v2 from Pegasus Astro on my setup.
The setup is remotely controlled with a NUC installed on the telescope which runs Indiserver and devices drivers under Debian 10 OS ; the whole is controlled with KStars/Ekos on my desktop. The UPB is connected to the NUC to manage power and ports.

I was not able to connect to the UPB with Ekos. The system told me to add the current user to dialout group that I tried without success.
So, I've checked with lsusb if the UPB was recognized. And it was (with a FTDI ship). Then, I've watched to /lib/udev/rules.d/99-indi_auxiliary.rules to know if idVendor/idProduct was included.
This file is normally configured for all FTDI ship but I saw that idProduct is not correct for the UPB. So, I have added a new line for the UPB where I have replaced idProduct 6001 to 6015 :

SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="0403", ATTRS{idProduct}=="6015", MODE="0666"

The new rules are then applied with :
udevadm control --reload-rules && udevadm trigger

And it works now !

So, is there any changes in the Ultimate PowerBox v2 or with FTDI ships (an addition of IdProduct) ? Is there an other solution without modifying the 99-indi_auxiliary.rules file ?
