I am a happy user of the Altair Hypercam 294C Pro with Ekos/Indi. I can recommend this camera. The current driver does all it needs to do, except for one feature, which I like to discuss here:

There seem to be no support for HCG mode. And I am starting to understand that the driver needs to set this. I can give it a try to implement it in the driver. I see a few options:
1. Automatically enable it from gain 900. This is the way SharpCap Pro controls this setting.
2. Make it a HCG On/Off setting in the INDI driver panel.
3. Make it a HCG-enable-from-gain numeric setting. The driver will set it automatically when gain is at or above the given gain threshold.

Option 1 has the upside of easy of use, but obvious downside that the driver needs to test on the camera type. Not really generic. Option 2 has the downside that one would forget to change it when modifying gain settings in Ekos. Option 3 is still generic and convenient. Obviously my preference. It looks like the camera api has a function to see whether the camera has conversion gain capabilities. So the setting could be made conditional possibly. I may need some help from the experts possibly.

Please advice on the need for HCG and the preferred implementation.