DerPit wrote:

MSFFT wrote: I’m using an EQ6-R Pro and I have the differential slewing unchecked.

OK, thanks - that was just for confirmation. I also have it unchecked, and for me it works as expected, several times in the last nights.

As per Jasems explanations: The image you posted, is that a comparison of the first image of your series with the first one after the MF? From the text I had assumed it compared two images directly before and after the flip. The target name in alignment is - AFAIK - a 'secondary' variable, i.e., it gets determined based on coordinates, but doesn't change coordinates. So it is not that it says "oh those coords are close to object XYZ, so lets change coordinates to those of that object". So the target name doesn't really matter, it's only the coordinates that do. And according to the log, the coordinates were the same before and after MF.

One question: Do you dither a lot and/or by large amounts?

The pictures posted were by RDBeck, so I can't speak to those exactly. However, I pulled my own data from before and after my meridian flip and have attached it here. Apologies if the images are hard to see - it's probably a combination of light pollution and reducing the file size.
- Pre-Flip image: image immediately preceeding the meridian flip
- Post-Flip image: image immediately following meridian flip and (re-)align
- Misalign - Stack: the stack of the two images to show the magnitude of the misalignment
- INDI_log..._shortened: the log with most of the night removed to show only around the meridian flip

I've pulled the INDI log and clipped about 10 minutes on either side of the meridian flip (3:09 to 3:38, with the flip happening at 3:28-3:29). If you want the whole log, I can provide that too, but it's 8 hours of info. As best I can tell, the meridian flip target should be RA= (11h 20m 02s) DEC= (12° 58' 36"), but once all is said and done, it syncs to RA (11h 17m 43s) DEC ( 13° 43' 12"). Dec is pretty far off. And I was using the scheduler here, so this all automatic - at least until I saw the misalignment in my post-flip image and stopped everything!

To your other question: I do dither a fair amount, but it's still on the order of 10 pixels - so it shouldn't show as much movement as I'm seeing. I've also never seen that much movement from dithering over the course of a night, much less from one frame to another.