Brent replied to the topic 'IC1848 Mosaic' in the forum. 2 years ago

The workflow. As everyone knows there are multiple ways to do the same task in Pix. What I did here was use WBPP to integrate images for each panel and save as .fits. I then set out to put the mosaic panels together.

First I input the all the saved fits images into the "Image Analysis" Script run the tool and again save which will have a extension. The saved are put into "Mosaics by Co-orinates" Script and again saved as Then on to "Trim Mosaic Tile" Script which i save as (replace) The final step is to use "Photometric Mosaic Script" which you can only stitch (integrate) two panels together at a time. Once all the panel are stitched together you can process as if it is just a single image......

I should add that due to variable sky conditions over a long night I have found it wise to adjust the stacked and registered images with histogram transformation prior to getting too deep into the work flow. I can provide links to two video which help explain the how and why the workflow is what it is. I have been toying with the idea of putting a video together, it would be long or a few shorter sequential videos. Just ask and I will try to help. ( I have dyslexia which makes reading learning ummmm difficult, show me a video or show me how and I never forget....)