Pete Ingram replied to the topic 'Port is already used error' in the forum. 3 years ago


Thanks very much.. I actually downloaded kubuntu- yesterday with the intent of putting that on an old Dell E6420 laptop I have here so you post was both timely and helpful.

For the next week I am reverting to Windows 10 since I have another laptop with a known and stable install on it and I really want to see the twinkly bits this weekend.

My end goal is to have the Pi 4/8GB back on the scope and working. That way I just VNC into it from anywhere. Yo see I am at the start of building my own Roll-off-roof observatory. Right no I have the concrete pad laid and this September I shall build the building. Right now I have a 1 hour drive to my pad so it is not too much hassle not to have the Pi on the scope.

I hope that radek posts an update fairly soon though.

Question: How will I know when he has done so? Will there be a form announcement or flash banner? Don't wanna miss it.

Again thank you for thinking of me and passing alone that information.