Greg replied to the topic 'Cannot play back SER videos?' in the forum. 3 years ago

I believe I'm having the same issue with an ASI2600MC camera, running on a Raspberry Pi with Astroberry. I'm using CCDciel as the top-level manager for running the session. 16 bit raw, captured to an SER file; not a pleasant thing to look at. If it matters, I was able to make the image a little better in SER Player by Inverting the image, and overriding the (correct) RGGB Bayer pattern with GRBG instead. But, it was still mostly a mess.

Current released indi-full appears to be 1.8.6-1. Checking dates on this thread's posts, it looks like the fix isn't in 1.8.7 either, though I haven't found where to download that version to test it.

My question: What version, and when, will the fix be in, such that I can simply do an apt-get update / install of indi-full and get the fix?