Damian created a new topic ' HEQ5 Guide Problems' in the forum. 1 year ago

I'm having worsening guide problems and would be interested in any ideas about how to deal with them please.HEQ5 Pro mount, Skywatcher 150PDS OTA, ASI183MC Pro main camera, 60mm Altair Guide scope with ASI 120MM-S camera. Kstars 3.6.2The mount has been tuned and is balanced well. There are minimal trailing wires (just one power cable - all other devices are velcro to the mount side). Polar alignment was under 1 arc minute.Last night I had a chance to experiment a little but didn't manage to improve guiding. I'll attach an image of the guide calibration and copy of the logs, which only contain guide activity.

File Attachment:

File Name: log_04-04-21.txt
File Size: 459 KB