Not to say you should have to do this, but, it has bit me once and I swore to not have to deal with it again. Generally software should be bug free but with community contributions to a complex codebase things can happen.

I keep 2 SD cards for my Raspberry Pi, you can do the same with a bootable USD Thumb drive if using Kstars from a Linux laptop ( Mac is a bit more complicated ). One SD card has a know working ( at least the parts I use ) copy of everything I use for astro. When I want to upgrade I update one of the SD cards, and take it out for the night. If I discover a breaking bug that can't be worked around I shutdown the Pi and swap to the known backup SD card. I might lose some updated profile settings but at least I can still image unless it is a true hardware failure.

Once I have a good number of imaging runs under my belt I clone the new SD card onto the old one and that becomes the new backup. I do this every time I update Kstars to make sure that I have a fallback in case of technical issues.