
I'm currently using Astroberry on a RPi 4 which works great. I've configured a Lattepanda 3 Delta single board computer, installed Ubuntu Mate and the latest stable release of IndiLib and EKOS. Installation worked like a charm and I've just started to copy profiles from my Pi to the Panda and this is where the problem arise:( According to a video by Jasem I should be presented by a "trains dialog" after starting my Indi-profile. Unfortunately I'm not, leaving everything such as downloading index files a "no go". I usually use a "Telescope simulator" together with the scope/guidescope in the profile editor and this has been working excellent for this purpose. I'm reluctant to mount/dismount my setup just to download, say, download index files. Is there a limitation ("bug"?) in Indi which doesn't enable trains when using the telescope simulator?

The concept of trains in EKOS is new to me although I fully understand it's purpose.

Any help here is very much appreciated as I'm stuck with the Panda :)