
I have the following:

- 90mm/F6 APO with 0.8x reducer/flattener
- Edge HD 8 with v4 Hyperstar
- Avalon Zero Obs FW 7.?
- All index files needed downloaded
- Astroberry 2.0.4 running on RPi 4

Suddenly the PAT stopped working with my setup! I upgraded to 2.0.4 and the polar alignment tool fails to work. If I select the "Find" speed and click start the mount starts to slew but very slowly and seems to time out. If I select max the mount slews but the operation fails without an error - it just says to place the scope in the home position and restart the process. Plate solving works perfectly though. It seems that the PAT fails to get a proper reading from my mount. This has worked very well in earlier versions but fails miserably in EKOS 2.0.4.

I've read somewhere that it should be possible to specify the speed in x * sidereal, say, 256x but I have no such setting in EKOS/Indilib control panel.

Has anybody else seen this behavior?
