Lee Peterson replied to the topic 'Ekos Scheduler did not wake up' in the forum. 1 year ago

Morning Hy,

Unfortunately last night's run crashed again in the middle of the first run due to a mount error. I bet this is behind the problem with the scheduler not waking up. Here is the error message that repeated every second all night:

iOptron v3 : "[ERROR] bool IOPv3::Driver::getCoords(double*, double*, IOPv3::IOP_PIER_STATE*, IOPv3::IOP_CW_STATE*): Expected 20 bytes but received 23. "

This particular mount is an iOptron CEM 40 EC. Previously I had been communicating with it via a powered USB bus, and had problems with it dropping intermittently over the past year, often requiring a restart of ekos. I recently tracked down that there was some EMI issue with the mount's USB controller almost every time it slewed. I surmise that was due to an issue in the mount's power system or something emitted by the stepper motors. It actually was creating issues with all the USB devices. So I moved the mount comm over to the wifi interface and it solved the EMI problem and had been running fine, apparently.

But now I think the wifi interface has created another issue with getting the mount state, maybe. I found this interesting comment in the source code.


That's right where where the status gets set in the driver. This particular stellar mate has indilib 1.9.7 installed. I'm going to try some more debugging runs and I'll let you know if I can see what is happening.