Andy K replied to the topic 'How to setup the LX200 AutoStar?' in the forum. 2 years ago

AFter rebooting just the pi, error again. I cannot control the telescope using Kstars.... :<

org.kde.kstars.ekos: "INDI services stopped."
QSqlDatabasePrivate::removeDatabase: connection 'filter_db' is still in use, all queries will cease to work.
QSqlDatabasePrivate::addDatabase: duplicate connection name 'filter_db', old connection removed.
org.kde.kstars.ekos: "Starting INDI services..."
INDI::BaseClient::connectServer: creating new connection...
socket: Connection refused
INDI::BaseClient::connectServer: creating new connection...
INDI::BaseClient::connectServer: Already connected.
org.kde.kstars.ekos: "INDI services started on port 7624."
Dispatch command error(-1): Device V4L2 CCD not found
<setTextVector device="V4L2 CCD" name="DRIVER_INFO" state="Idle" timeout="60" timestamp="2022-02-28T09:42:35">
<oneText name="DRIVER_NAME">
<oneText name="DRIVER_EXEC">
<oneText name="DRIVER_VERSION">
<oneText name="DRIVER_INTERFACE">
org.kde.kstars.ekos: Ekos received a new device: "LX200 Autostar"
org.kde.kstars.ekos: Ekos received a new device: "GPSD"
Dispatch command error(-1):
<setTextVector device="GPSD" name="TIME_UTC" state="Busy" timeout="60" timestamp="2022-02-28T09:42:35">
<oneText name="UTC"/>
<oneText name="OFFSET"/>
Dispatch command error(-1): INDI: Could not find property GEOGRAPHIC_COORD in GPSD
<setNumberVector device="GPSD" name="GEOGRAPHIC_COORD" state="Busy" timeout="60" timestamp="2022-02-28T09:42:35">
<oneNumber name="LAT">
<oneNumber name="LONG">
<oneNumber name="ELEV">
Dispatch command error(-1):
<setTextVector device="GPSD" name="GPS_STATUS" state="Busy" timeout="60" timestamp="2022-02-28T09:42:35">
<oneText name="GPS_FIX"/>
Dispatch command error(-1): INDI: Could not find property POLARIS in GPSD
<setNumberVector device="GPSD" name="POLARIS" state="Busy" timeout="60" timestamp="2022-02-28T09:42:35">
<oneNumber name="HA">
Dispatch command error(-1):
<setSwitchVector device="GPSD" name="GPS_REFRESH" state="Busy" timeout="0" timestamp="2022-02-28T09:42:35">
<oneSwitch name="REFRESH">
Dispatch command error(-1):
<setTextVector device="GPSD" name="GPS_STATUS" state="Busy" timeout="60" timestamp="2022-02-28T09:42:35">
<oneText name="GPS_FIX">
org.kde.kstars.ekos: Ekos received a new device: "V4L2 CCD"
org.kde.kstars.indi: LX200 Autostar : "[INFO] LX200 Autostar is online. "
INDI::BaseClient::connectServer: creating new connection...
INDI::BaseClient::connectServer: Already connected.
org.kde.kstars.ekos: "LX200 Autostar is online."
qrc:/qml/mount/mountbox.qml:502:17: QML MouseArea: Detected anchors on an item that is managed by a layout. This is undefined behavior; use Layout.alignment instead.
qrc:/qml/mount/mountbox.qml:428: ReferenceError: xi18n is not defined
qrc:/qml/mount/mountbox.qml:434: ReferenceError: xi18n is not defined
qrc:/qml/mount/mountbox.qml:442: ReferenceError: xi18n is not defined
qrc:/qml/mount/mountbox.qml:479: ReferenceError: xi18n is not defined
qrc:/qml/mount/mountbox.qml:530: ReferenceError: xi18n is not defined
qrc:/qml/mount/mountbox.qml:548: ReferenceError: xi18n is not defined
qrc:/qml/mount/mountbox.qml:566: ReferenceError: xi18n is not defined
qrc:/qml/mount/mountbox.qml:583: ReferenceError: xi18n is not defined
qrc:/qml/mount/mountbox.qml:600: ReferenceError: xi18n is not defined
qrc:/qml/mount/mountbox.qml:617: ReferenceError: xi18n is not defined
qrc:/qml/mount/mountbox.qml:641: ReferenceError: xi18n is not defined
qrc:/qml/mount/mountbox.qml:701: ReferenceError: xi18n is not defined
qrc:/qml/mount/mountbox.qml:723: ReferenceError: xi18n is not defined
qrc:/qml/mount/mountbox.qml:745: ReferenceError: xi18n is not defined
qrc:/qml/mount/mountbox.qml:761: ReferenceError: xi18n is not defined
qrc:/qml/mount/mountbox.qml:796: ReferenceError: xi18n is not defined
qrc:/qml/mount/mountbox.qml:830: ReferenceError: xi18n is not defined
qrc:/qml/mount/mountbox.qml:867: ReferenceError: xi18n is not defined
qrc:/qml/mount/mountbox.qml:878: ReferenceError: xi18n is not defined
qrc:/qml/mount/mountbox.qml:885: ReferenceError: xi18n is not defined
qrc:/qml/mount/mountbox.qml:901: ReferenceError: xi18n is not defined
qrc:/qml/mount/mountbox.qml:914: ReferenceError: xi18n is not defined
qrc:/qml/mount/mountbox.qml:927: ReferenceError: xi18n is not defined
qrc:/qml/mount/mountbox.qml:939: ReferenceError: xi18n is not defined
qrc:/qml/mount/mountbox.qml:958: ReferenceError: xi18n is not defined
qrc:/qml/mount/mountbox.qml:967: ReferenceError: xi18n is not defined
org.kde.kstars.ekos.mount: "Warning: Overriding AndyConfig configuration."
org.kde.kstars.ekos: "LX200 Autostar is online."
org.kde.kstars.ekos.mount: "Warning: Overriding AndyConfig configuration."
org.kde.kstars.ekos: "Guider port from LX200 Autostar is ready."
org.kde.kstars.ekos.focus: "Idle."
org.kde.kstars.ekos: "LX200 Autostar focuser is online."
org.kde.kstars.ekos.mount: "GPS driver detected. KStars and mount time and location settings are now synced to the GPS driver."
org.kde.kstars.indi: GPSD : "[INFO] GPS fix is in progress... "
org.kde.kstars.indi: V4L2 CCD : "[INFO] V4L2 CCD is online. "
org.kde.kstars.ekos: All INDI devices are now connected.
org.kde.kstars.ekos.align: "Idle."
org.kde.kstars.ekos.align: "World Coordinate System (WCS) is enabled. CCD rotation must be set either manually in the CCD driver or by solving an image before proceeding to capture any further images, otherwise the WCS information may be invalid."
org.kde.kstars.ekos: "V4L2 CCD is online."
org.kde.kstars.indi: V4L2 CCD : "[INFO] Found initial Input \"Camera 1\", Format \"Motion-JPEG\", Size 1280x720, Frame interval 1/30s "
org.kde.kstars.indi: V4L2 CCD : "[INFO] Setting pixel size to default of 5.60 "
org.kde.kstars.indi: V4L2 CCD : "[INFO] For future autodetection of pixel size, please report the following: Reported Name: USB Camera: USB Camera, Common Name (Eg: NexImage 10), Pixel Size to the following thread: "
org.kde.kstars.indi: GPSD : "[INFO] Loading device configuration... "
org.kde.kstars.indi: GPSD : "[INFO] GPS Update Timer disabled. "
org.kde.kstars.indi: GPSD : "[INFO] Device configuration applied. "
org.kde.kstars.indi: V4L2 CCD : "[INFO] Loading device configuration... "
org.kde.kstars.indi: V4L2 CCD : "[INFO] Upload settings set to client only. "
org.kde.kstars.indi: V4L2 CCD : "[WARNING] Setting INT control White Balance Temperature will fail, currently inactive "
org.kde.kstars.indi: V4L2 CCD : "[WARNING] Setting INT control Exposure (Absolute) will fail, currently inactive "
org.kde.kstars.indi: V4L2 CCD : "[INFO] Device configuration applied. "
org.kde.kstars.indi: V4L2 CCD : "[INFO] World Coordinate System is enabled. "
org.kde.kstars.indi: LX200 Autostar : "[INFO] Mount has Latitude 00:00:0.0 (0) Longitude -36:00:0.0 (-36) (Longitude sign in carthography format) "
org.kde.kstars.indi: LX200 Autostar : "[WARNING] Could not process mount date and time: 2022-00-28T07:02:00 "