Pavol A. Dubovsky created a new topic ' ekos for spectroscopy' in the forum. 2 years ago

Hi friends,
I'm setting up Ekos for work with LISA spectrograph. There are 2 cameras on it. One for guiding one for collect spectra. I have created sequences which include all necessary jobs. Move to the target, plate solving, correction, calibration frames with neon lamp (using simple python script), images of standard star, target star, move to the next target and so on. The problem is with guiding. Both internal guider and PHD2 are not able to automatically move the target star to the slit position. OK, I can do this one step manually. But I have to watch carefully the job progress to be ready when guiding starts. Because EKOS don't wait. It starts guiding on automatically selected star and the spectra capturing starts immediately or with defined delay. Of course the automatically selected star is not always the target star and it is never in the slit position. Is there any way to prevent EKOS to start the guiding process automatically?