Hi All,
I wanted to experiment with my 450D to complement ASI1600mm and I noticed that stars will saturate at about 14000 ADU when shooting in FITS, same count as shooting in cr2.
I couldn't quite find an answer searching the forum: does this mean that indi/ekos, when saving to fits, whill place unscaled 14-bit adu values in a 16 bit fits with the counts from 16383 to 65535 kept unused?
This seems consistent with my observations in Siril, which reads saturation at ~0.25 in 0-1.0 range.

This would mean that adu counts need to be multiplies by 4 for purposes of RN swamping calculations and Flats ADU settings.

This would also mean that if I want a flat exposed to 20000 I have to aim for 5000 as read in ekos fits viewer.

Am I right or confused?