I just finished this latest experiment. I set up a profile with my mount and the telescope simulator and did a series of alignments on Vega. As before, the RAM allocation for KStars crept up by about 100 MB per alignment run. However, in this case the maximum RAM allocation was 2300 MB at which point VM swapping seemed to start, dropping the allocation to a steady 2100 MB. I quit the experiment after 20 alignment operations. There was no crash in this experiment and no detectable degradation in performance.

Then I decide to try to provoke a crash by taking images as before and closing the FITS Viewer each time. The RAM allocation mounted to just over 3000 MB. Then I moved back to the alignment module and did a few alignment runs. Eventually the program slowed to a halt, stuck in the alignment module. No crash, but as good as. This is consistent with what I observed the other night in my real imaging run.