Mariusz replied to the topic 'Eqmod goto rate' in the forum. 2 years ago

Hello Kevin,

so, I have updated the skywatcher.cpp as advised by you:

Line 415: minperiods[Axis1] = 12; //6;
Line 416: minperiods[Axis2] = 12; //6;

Recompiled and installed the driver. The change is being used as evidenced by the log file entry:
DEBUG 0.287078 sec : InquireBoardVersion(): MountCode = 35, MCVersion = 30e23, setting minperiods Axis1=12 Axis2=12

Unfortunately, there is no noticeable change in the goto slew speed, i.e. still at its maximum (800x as shown by Ekos).
Attached the log files with the debug level active.

File Attachment:

File Name: indi_eqmod_telescope_142325.log
File Size: 156 KB

Let me know your thoughts - do I need to be more aggressive with the value? Like 50?.
