Boot created a new topic ' crash with kstars-ekos-OSX 10.13.6' in the forum. 2 years ago

I'm new in Astrophoto (6 month), and French, so my English could be quite bad:)
I have an issue using Ekos on my High Sierra OS...
a few weeks ago, Kstars (3.5.9) was unstable, with few crashes but I was able to use it. I decide to do a clean install on my mbp (mid 2010) and use it only for Astrophoto, so I deleted the ssd, and did an install of osx10.13.6 (last supported on this mbp) and re-installed everything about astro, and kstars 3.5.9 (last supported)
unfortunally, since I did it, Kstars crash every time I start the connection with Indi, absolutely impossible to run it :(
I tried again to reinstall every thing, same result... please help me, I can't buy a new computer, and can't stay in that situation...
here is the beginning of the crash log, I don't understand why it says " Referenced from: /Applications/ (which was built for Mac OS X 10.15)" even if I installed the 3.5.9 and not the last version...