Andy Hellon created a new topic ' indi web manager' in the forum. 2 years ago

hello you clever people
iv just installed indi web manager on to an intel nuc running ubuntu and received the following repose rom he terminal . any ideas

andy@andy-scope-control-desktop:~$ indi-web -v
2022-11-12 18:51:11,064 - DEBUG: command line arguments: {'indi_port': 7624, 'port': 8624, 'host': '', 'fifo': '/tmp/indiFIFO', 'conf': '/home/andy/.indi', 'xmldir': '/usr/share/indi/', 'verbose': True, 'logfile': None, 'server': 'standalone'}
2022-11-12 18:51:11,077 - INFO: pkill -9 indiserver
2022-11-12 18:51:11,549 - INFO: indiserver terminated successfully
2022-11-12 18:51:11,549 - INFO: pkill -2 indihub-agent
2022-11-12 18:51:12,069 - WARNING: terminating indihub-agent failed code 1
2022-11-12 18:51:12,073 - INFO: using Bottle as standalone server