Kunal Chandra replied to the topic 'Unable to plate solve' in the forum. 1 year ago

Thanks everyone for your help. Finally I solved it . I Uninstaller stellarmate and installed astroberry. Stellarmates mobile app sucks . So for people with manual mount and dslr like me following is the work flow

1. Login to astroberry and start Kstars and goto Ecos tab

2. Define a profile . For this one we define telescope simulator and CCD as Canon DSLR

3.Start the profile and make sure the dslr and simulator are connected . For dslr we have to define pixel size picture size which is camera specific and one time setting

4. In telescope lense define the focal length. Search online because a 250mm lense in my case had 239mm focal length

5. Goto ekos and select a target and right click and say center in telescope

6. In ekos dart icon press capture and solve. Make sure you have selected "nothing" radio button so that the telescope sticks where it is . Now you should get plate solved Ra and dec . Match this with telescope ra and dec by moving up down and right left adjustments in your mount

For such an easy task I spent 4 sleepless nights . The catch of plate solving is . Your plate solver should know which part of sky you are pointing to and what what you want to locate