tkakura replied to the topic 'Stellarmate on Multiple Raspberry Pis' in the forum. yesterday

As I recall, logging into EkosLive with the same account was a factor in the conflict.
This problem does not affect the use of VNC.


tkakura replied to the topic 'Stellarmate on Multiple Raspberry Pis' in the forum. yesterday

You can run StellarMate on multiple RPi's.
However, in my experience, when I logged into each EkosLive with one account for StellarMate on multiple RPi's, the StellarMate mobile app was conflicted.
I want to tie multiple licenses to an account, but there was no way implemented in Ekos to distinguish this.
I will have to check to see if this is still the case.


tkakura replied to the topic 'Svbony driver issues' in the forum. 2 days ago

You don't have to debayer by yourself, I think it will be automatically debayered if you use a script that stacks multiple images in Siril.
I have never used Siri, so I don't know the details, but all well-known astronomical image processing applications such as PixInsight, DSS and Astro Pixel Processor will automatically debayer when stacking.

For more information, please visit the Siril forum.


tkakura replied to the topic 'Svbony driver issues' in the forum. 2 days ago

A fits file with a Bayer structure stores the luminance transmitted through the 2-dimensional Bayer filter in cmos as it is in a 2-dimensional structure.
This is how fits are generated in an astrophotography application.

Next, the file is converted to RGB using the debayer operation in an image processing application.

For more details, please search the Internet.


tkakura replied to the topic 'Svbony driver issues' in the forum. 2 days ago

NAXIS = 2 is correct.
Fits that represent colors in Bayer structure are not a problem.
It is the normal way to color in image processing applications that can Debayer.

No problem for Kstars/Ekos/Indi.


tkakura replied to the topic 'Svbony driver issues' in the forum. 2 days ago

Have you debayer your images?
The BAYERPAT in the FITS Header should be 'GRBG'.
You should be able to get a color image when you Debayer with this pattern.

I have checked all the FITS Header by running a sequence of RAW8, RAW16, Luma 8, RGB24, RAW16 one by one.
The first, second, and fifth images all had a BAYERPAT of 'GRBG'.
This means the images are in color.

Perhaps you should try attaching your FITS file?


tkakura replied to the topic 'Svbony driver issues' in the forum. 2 days ago

SV405CC supports mono 8 bit format.
When an exposure is made using "Sequence", the data is correctly saved as mono 8 bit data in monochrome FITS format.

If an exposure is made using "Capture a preview" and saved using "FITS Viewer", the data will be saved in RGB.
I do not know if the behavior of FITS Viewer is a use or a bug.


No. I just created the sequence, executed it and exit karats without save it.


I have some additional information.
I set up a single remote shot for a sequence, but when I run it, two shots are taken.

The INDI control panel shows the following message.

2024-04-20T14:41:05: [ERROR] Unable to save image file (/home/stellarmate/Pictures//Light/Red/Light_Red_1_secs_g0_o0_c25_2024-04-20T23-41-01_pUnknown_XXX//home/stellarmate/Pictures//Light/Red/Light_Red_1_secs_g0_o0_c25_2024-04-20T23-41-01_pUnknown_001.fits). No such file or 
2024-04-20T14:40:59: [ERROR] Unable to save image file (/home/stellarmate/Pictures//Light/Red/Light_Red_1_secs_g0_o0_c25_2024-04-20T23-40-54_pUnknown_XXX//home/stellarmate/Pictures//Light/Red/Light_Red_1_secs_g0_o0_c25_2024-04-20T23-40-54_pUnknown_001.fits). No such file or


The %p and %D are now replaced correctly.
There seems to be an issue with %s3, it is replacing XXX.

KStars for Windows
Version: 3.7.0 Stable
Build: 2024-04-02T13:14:29Z


1. Launch INDI and ZWO CCD and SVBONY CCD drivers in Web Manager (Fig-1)

2. Start KStars in Windows.

3. Set the profile and connect. (Fig-2)

4. The Format of ZWO ASI290MC in INDI and EKOS immediately after startup shows RGB24. (Fig-3)

5. Change EKOS Format to "Raw 16 bit" and click [Capture a preview...] button. Capture a preview...] button

6. EKOS Format is changed to "RGB 24" and INDI is changed to "Raw 16 bit". (Fig-4).

7. The FITS HEADER of the image is "BITPIX 16", "BAYERPAT RGGB", so it is considered "Raw 16 bit". However, an error occurs when trying to save the image from Fits Viewer. (Fig-5)

8 After changing the INDI format to "Raw 8 bit", in EKOS, click the [Capture a preview...] button. button in EKOS

9. EKOS Format was changed to "Raw 8 bit" and INDI was changed to "Raw 16 bit" (Fig-6).

This issue is reproduced even after changing to SVBONY CCD.
This issue is not reproduced by StellarMate's KStars.

HW: Raspberry PI 5
uname: Linux sm5 6.6.20+rpt-rpi-2712 #1 SMP PREEMPT Debian 1:6.6.20-1+rpt1 (2024-03-07) aarch64 GNU/Linux
indi-asi 2.4+z+stable~202404081110 arm64
indi-svbony 1.4.1+z+stable~202404051505 arm64
libindi-data 2.0.7+z+stable~202404120930 arm64
libindi-dev 2.0.7+z+stable~202404120930 arm64
libindi1 2.0.7+z+stable~202404120930 arm64

Windows 11
KStars: 3.7.0 Stable Build 2024-04-02T13:14:29Z