Hi, I'm new to INDI and just downloaded KStars/INDI to my Mac. I have gotten all of my equipment to connect correctly, but can't get pulse guide or motion control to work with my mount. I have a Losmandy Gemini I with the last released firmware (4.1). I can get it to slew to targets just fine, but it won't pluse guide. When I go into the INDI control panel and try to use motion control to move it, or give a guide pulse, I get the error message "ERROR] Error reading RA/DEC" Everything else with the mount seems to be working - it slews to targets, reports the correct RA/Dec, etc.

Am I missing a setting somewhere?

BTW I've tried both the latest stable version of KStars and the nightly build and get the same result. The Losmandy INDI driver reports v 1.6.
