Keith created a new topic ' Rpi GPIO Driver crashes' in the forum. 4 months ago

I've developed a Raspberry Pi Hat that uses GPIO Pins# 12 and 13 to control two MOSFETS via PWM as dew heaters. The RpiGPIO INDI driver was working perfectly for about an hour then just began crashing. The second time the driver loads, it takes kstars down with it (but not the Rpi). If I remove the driver from the Aux slot and start INDI, it works perfectly.
The only part I "messed with" was the "Timer Config" tab for Channel 1. I played around with it a bit then set everything back to the original values. Soon after that the driver began crashing and I have been unable to get it to work. I also saved and loaded the configuration under the "Options" tab.
I've submitted a support ticket to Jasem, but hopefully someone here has worked thru this issue before.
Thanks in advance for any help!!