Hello rlancaste

thank you for your response, I think I tried on this forum itself however do not recall exactly how as it was 3 to 4 weeks ago. I glad you found my message and thank you for response.

So I understand this is due to QT, that is unfortunate as, like you, my ancient macbook from 2008 is still very fast with good SSD and lot of RAM. This has been my perfect companion for astrophotos for long now, and most of it, I do not care to expose it to long cold night :) was build like a rock at that time!

Yes if you find ways it would excellent, I have read you have introduced new features in the latest release I will need in future, like the support of new focuser from Celestron for instance,

Your Kstars/Ekos is as per me by far the best software available on mac os!