I use a Lacerta MFOC with firmware version 3.03. The MFOC is connected via USB to a Raspberry Pi 4, 8GB running Ubuntu Server arm64, 22.04 LTS (Jammy) as a INDI-host. So the Rapsberry Pi is where the indiserver runs. As clients EKOS or CCDCiel were used on a Laptop under XUbuntu.

When I issue a relative position command in the INDI Control Panel, the Lacerta MFOC reacts with a
strange and wrong absolute position (huge, unrealistic number). Further the MFOC stops any reaction and communication with the INDI-Client. No disconnection or re-connection is possible unless the Lacerta MFOC handbox is switched off and restarted.

The debug-log shows endless repetion of commands after the relative position command was sent.
The Lacerta MFOC driver process on the RPI4 hangs as a consequence even when the indiserver process was shut down. Killing the process and restarting the indiserver does not allow reconnecting the MFOC unless the handbox was switched off and on again.
If the library or the firmware of the Lacerta MFOC is responsible for the malfunction cannot be decided from my current state of insight.

A debug log from the RPI4 and a screenshot can be found in the attachments.
Thanks reading this and for providing this superb library as open source software!
If I can provide further assistance tracing the root cause of this issue please do not hesitate to contact me.