Hi tom, first of all thanks for your quick answer.

At the moment i do not have a motor installed but i will install a typical garage door motor via relay.
The motor have encoders to control the open and close so i think only need to send signal to relay to start motor and this start to open or close the roof.

Please if you can help me to know:
- Arduino one R3 its fine to do this? es.aliexpress.com/item/1005006102413123.html
I think this board its no arduino original, this could be a problem?
- This relay shield its ok? es.aliexpress.com/item/1005006440967785.html
This relay shield its original?
- What rolloff.ino file its recomended to Upload a sketch on arduino board
- What pines on arduino i need to conect to motor board?

Thanks again,