Hello Everyone
I've recently had some success pairing a K20D Pentax DSLR with the Alt-Az GTI mount from Skywatcher. Hit a dead end with the stellarmate app but then diverted to use Kstars/Ekos on the Pi controlled by a Kstars instance on my mac. This allows me to click on a target, call up a GOTO and plate solve/track on the mac.

I'm able to set ISO, exposure time upto but no more than 14s, plate solve and make use of the named target directory structures that allow me to save raw images for a specific target day after day. The job schedule tool works too.

I stack with Siril and that seems to get around the field rotation issue.

Does anyone have an idea why 14 seconds seems to be a limit for an exposure? The camera opens and closes the shutter on command, the trouble seems to be on the download phase.

Kind regards, Tony