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Okay, it would appear the "problem" is vnc. I changed to realVNC like what's on the Astroberry and the performance issues appear to have gone away. Memory use is still high, but in earlier testing I found the 3D (fkms) driver in /boot/config.txt might be the reason. I disabled this driver and got the memory back at the expense of no VNC at all.

I've no idea if this is the least bit useful to anyone, but just in case. ;)

If I find anything else, I'll post an update. In the meantime, thanks for the input! Clear skies!


OK, I just fixed mine. I deleted the Canon (and altair) saved config (xml-file) within my .indi folder, and everything was fine afterwards (using new default configs). looks like the old config is not to be used any more after the update.


After talking with Nazmus from (who has an almost identical gear setup to myself), I was able to get my DSLR to capture using the GPhoto CCD driver instead of the Canon one. I installed Astroberry in 2022, but I have run several recent updates from the command line, so I should be running the latest software. My DSLR is a Canon EOS 60D, for reference. I haven't had an issue with my guider, which is a ZWO ASI120mm Mini guide camera. I hope this helps a little.


Hi, unfortunately, I have the same problem after last major update this spring (2024). It used to work super-smooth before.
I found, pixel-settings for the DSLR are set to 0. Well, I changed it to the usual values (Canon eos 1000d), but the effect is still the same.
Same on my altair guiding cam, btw, also no function..
I am missing some instructions here. I guess, it is something very basic, that I am just missing. The only hint is "Check INDI Control Panel for details." But there are no useful details. Right now, I cannot use ekos any more, what is a shame...
Hope, we get help on this soon!


composition is disabled by default, the interesting thing is that enabling it, animations look smoother :D


With remote viewing, I would consider disabling the compositor and enabling some of the older windowing options that do not show window contents when moving windows and resizing (only the outline will be shown during these operations) and any of the window animations.


Thanks for your reply. At the moment I'm running with startup conditions "on" and "repeat until". That works but I have to deselect the twilight constrained. I will test with "dawn offset" 0 tomorrow, would be more comfortable if that works.

One question: would it be possible to set the dip of the sun below horizon (would be helpfull especially in the summertime) So just set maybe 17° or 15° and the twilight is set accordingly? Maybe a feature for the future?


What do you mean with 55 series. I am not a developer, just an astronomer.

Today we changed USB3 cables and power supply. No change. Still not working. Is there a suggested driver.


Thanks for some corroboration!


Thanks for a response!
I have been plugging into the pi directly, even took my main camera out of the pi to lessen power requirements temporarily. I have seen under volt messages in dmesg recently, but I hoped they resolved when I upgraded the asi_ccd driver and it all started working ( 1 sec. exposures). I will check into this aspect further. Thanks!


I just took a look. It seems that there is some confusion in the code between the dawn offset you are setting, and another (old) parameter called "Pre-dawn" which is in the same options menu several rows above "dawn offset".

I'm not sure whether Pre-dawn is something that should be removed from the code or not, it predates me, but I'll think about it. In the mean time, I believe that if you set Pre-dawn to 0, you will get the performance you desire.



I see this problem as well. I think it is a driver issue. I've also tried using this camera from INDIGO and had nothing but problems with it there. They got ZWO support to work with me and they have made some driver changes but it is still flaky. At least on INDI it works except for exposures less than a second, which is all I need.


Cheers man! Glad you've found it useful.
It's always nice if you can use your equipment to its fullest potential.

Clear Skies!


I didn't use Capture sequence scripts. All the KStars interaction for this is via DBus calls & signals. All the Siril interaction is via the & siril_command.out pipes.

What I do is test to make sure the Capture job queue is empty and then call the Capture start function. This creates a one frame preview job using the current settings (the same as clicking the Capture start button with no jobs in the table. Once the frame is received I pass it to Siril and watch for the stacked result. When that's ready I pass it back to Ekos for display and start Capture again. Repeat until stopped by the user.

If you want to go a similar route, learning about DBus is a good start. As well as reading around the subject I'd recommend the D-Feet and Bustle applications for manually interacting with and monitoring the DBus interfaces.


I've had this issue in the past with an ZWO ASI120MM-S usb3 camera. It was the Generic 5 volt powered USB hub I was using that caused it. Strange thing was my ASI533MC PRO camera worked fine. The tell tale is to plug the camera directly into the PC or Raspberry Pi USB port and try that. I now use an ANKER 12 volt powered USB hub and that works fine for me.




That's great news, thanks for the reply. I really look forward to seeing your work when it's released. Can you provide me with any leads on what info is available to the scripts?