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I updated to the latest indi-drivers available in the repository, Installed kstars-bleeding and still see the same behavior. I have done another observing session and attempted to start he scheduler. Again, same issue. I've stop/started the drivers, rebooted the system and I am running out of ideas. I have attached a screen shot of the scheduler and a verbose log info file of the session.

Any ideas or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.




That's easy. . . the NVME drive is drawing ALOT more power than the SD card. I assume that you're powering your Rpi thru the USB-C port on the Rpi? The Rpi-5 is already drawing alot of power and if it dips down below a certain voltage for a millisecond, then "things" can happen. It may not be enough of a brown-out to cause a total reboot of the Rpi, but it may be enough to cause individual chips or sub-systems to reboot.
Everything can be working along just fine for hours and then something happens where all 4 cores of the Rpi fire up to 100%, and the Ethernet system is working at 100%, and . . . and. . . brownout.
I went thru the exact same issue when I was setting up my Rpi-5/NVME system. The solution I came up with is to power the Rpi directly thru the 5VDC GPIO pins with a power supply that has alot of ass behind it maintain voltage no matter how many chips fire up.
I am currently getting ready to test an Rpi Hat that I've integrated a 5VDC@6A power supply feeding directly into the GPIO pins that should be able to handle anything the system throws at it, but that won't be ready for public consumption for a couple more months.
In the meantime, order one of these: and power your Rpi directly to the 5VDC GPIO pins. The Rpi is specced to handle up to 5.2VDC on the GPIO pins, so hopefully you'll get one that gives you 5.1VDC. I've used several of these during my testing and it was the solution to all the little glitches I was having. Solid as a rock.


Before I reassemble the NVME hat on the pi, why would this power problem only occur with an SSD card and not the SD card?


Update: I did some more testing and found more strange issues.

Clearing the model seems to help a lot. The attitude is showing properly and doesn't change abruptly. However, the pointing seems to be reversed. If I point to a target in the east, it goes west. If I point to a target in the west, it goes east.

Part of the problem seems to be that it is not reporting what side of the pier the mount is on properly. Can anyone help me understand how the mount normally figures this out, and if there is a way to tell it what side it is on?

I don't think I'm doing anything crazy here. I put the telescope in the home position, turn it on, clear the model, and plate solve. However from there it can't seem to figure out what side of the pier its on and doesn't move to the right target.

Any help would be appreciated, even just resources on how some of the systems work. I'm not even sure what to test at this point.


Tracy Perry replied to the topic 'Download version 1.8.2' in the forum. 6 hours 5 minutes ago

AFAIK, there is no downgrade path other than saving your settings and any captures to external media and then doing a re-install.
If you have having hardware issues, I would encourage you to submit a ticket at the StellarMate site so that Jasem and company can check it out. I had a similar issue not to long ago on an upgrade and the Pegasus Falcon rotator. Jasem was able to remote in and find the issue and get the fix in the pipeline for release (not to mention fixing it on my unit itself).
It's one reason I've gotten really hesitant to run any updates once I have a stable system. Generally there are no issues, but invariably for me they show up when least wanted.



Here's a screen-shot of the filter config:

I use the V-filter for alignment and for focus. This problem has occurred when I do a series of Miras where for each, I take VRI-band images, in that order. So that first shot is same filter as alignment.



Just go to:
then, right click with the mouse to copy the link. Paste the link in the location bar and edit the version number. This should allow you to fetch older versions.

Best, Peter


If you apply a PR, don't edit the rolloff.ino.standard as shown. Add an additional example sketch with your changes. The rolloff.ino.standard needs to retain the original relay polarity and pin numbering to match the standard Uno relay shield. That helps those who do not want to be involved with any code editing get on-line without any software changes.

Limiting the number of relays was intentional to limit it to just the purpose of controlling the roof. There was some discussion at the time of the Observatory being extended. Rather then put other observatory like functions in the individual roof/dome drivers. In the meantime there were 3rdparty drivers able to read and set particular pins.


This issue occurs when the mount is preposition to the object before starting Scheduler. When scheduler starts it reports parking is off, etc and then calls Align, Scheduler enters a wait for Align loop. Align takes an image, solves the image and identifies the object is within range. Scheduler does not recognize Align has finished and remains in an infinite wait state.


Hi Everybody

I have a 10 Micron mount inside a Baader dome. So far, I have always used the 10 Micron to drive the dome directly, which works fine. But, with Ekos Scheduler I like to open and close the dome automatically. The mount is programmed to close the dome when parked, but it will not open the dome when unparked. The 10 Micron driver does not act as a indi 'dome device'.

What is the best way to proceed? I think there are (at least) 4 options:

  • Let the 10 micron driver open the dome when unparked, or
  • Extend the 10 micron driver, to act as dome, or
  • Attach the dome to the PC directly and use the indi_baader_dome driver, or
  • Open the dome with a startup script in the scheduler

The scheduler should also observe weather conditions using the indi_aagcloudwatcher_ng, so it is important to not open the dome without first checking the weather conditions.
If I use the indi_baader_dome driver, will it work at least as good as the 10 micron build-in driver? The scope should be aligned with the opening and the mount has parameters for the relative position of the telescope.



Dirk replied to the topic 'Trouble with KStars 3.7.1' in the forum. 14 hours 5 minutes ago

Any Idea where to find Kstrs 3.7.0?


Dirk replied to the topic 'Trouble with KStars 3.7.1' in the forum. 14 hours 6 minutes ago

This is MacOS not Windows.
I installed from the 3.7.1 DMG and replaced the old Version with it. When I create a profile with ZWO AM5 Mount and CCD Simulator, it is starting. When I configure toupcam instead of the Simulator, Kstars crashes.... .

There is no Indi_toup... in /Applications/Kstars/Contents/MacOS .


Here is the image of the focuser.

Focuser Unit, Bracket, Bolts, IR Receiver, Wireless Remote Control, USB Cable, Couplers and Temperature probe.


Have you tried a fresh re-install.


Dirk replied to the topic 'Trouble with KStars 3.7.1' in the forum. 17 hours 27 minutes ago

After applying the xattr command, Katars is starting up, but missing a lot of drivers. I could not find qhy_ccd, zwo_ccd and others…




Frank created a new topic ' Download version 1.8.2' in the forum. 19 hours 30 minutes ago

I've updated SM to 1.8.3.
But now, I've some problems with PHD2 and the focuser EAF.
Is-it possible to "downgrade" the version to 1.8.2 (no problems with this version) ?
Thank you,


Stanley Fertig replied to the topic 'Trouble with KStars 3.7.1' in the forum. yesterday

Just tried pasting it into Terminal and running it, then trying to open the App from the Applications folder.

Did not work. Still get the same error message.


It's also 'off' if you activate HiPS overlay....
I had already been wondering why, on startup, the BG always flashes blue for a short moment before the DSS is shown... :D



After making the above post, the autofocus started failing when I got into the Narroband filters. And I won't say it "failed", there are just some settings that need to be tweaked. When the routine received the first Ha image, it took about 4 minutes to solve and showed thousands of stars. Something is going on with the data from the 'Ha' and 'Sii' filters (didn't mess with Oiii) that needs to be tweaked. I'm zipping the night's images and datalogs now and will send you a link via DM in a bit.

However, I am thrilled to have LRGB autofocus working now which was the last piece I needed to have kstars fully functional on my system.